AFM Assembly Order Form

We are excited to announce that AFM Members can now order AFM branded Shirts through their Assemblies. Choose from three vibrant options and carry the AFM logo and its symbolism proudly wherever you go. We are looking forward to clothing our AFM Members in the official brand colours of our beautiful Church. Don’t miss this opportunity to place your order. Here is what you need to know:

🔖 The AFM National Office only accept orders from AFM Assemblies.

🔖 Orders will remain open for 2 weeks and will close on Wednesday, 22 October 2024 at 16h00.

🔖 Allow 2 weeks for production. We will start to process and send out orders from Monday, 11 November onwards. We want to ensure that all our AFM Members who placed an order through their Assembly receive their shirt before December.

🔖 The Assembly Order Form is available from the following link and should be completed by your Assembly.

🔖 Check our size charts first before you order! There are different sizes for COTTON and SUBLIMATION options.

🔖 If you need support at any point in the process, send an e-mail to: